
NutraBio BCAA 5000 Powder (60 servings)


Benefits of BCAA 5000

  • Supports Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS)
  • Supports Muscle Recovery & Reduced Fatigue
  • Supports Muscle Growth.
  • Helps Preserve Lean Muscle
  • Researched 2:1:1 Ratio
  • We use fermented BCAAs only
  • Zero Fat, Sugar and Carbs
  • Full label transparency and therapeutic doses

BCAA 5000 combines the powerful muscle regenerating benefits of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Collectively made up of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, BCAAs are known as essential amino acids because the human body cannot produce them and they must be consumed through diet or supplementation. Independently, each BCAA plays an important physiological role in the body. However, it is their synergistic combination that produces one of the most important processes involved in muscle building and recovery—muscle protein synthesis (MPS).

Top 10 reasons why BCAAs should be a part of your supplement regimen. As a whole, BCAAs support:

  • Improved muscle protein synthesis
  • Assist in maintaining an anabolic (muscle building) environment – Exercise can put the body in a catabolic state (muscle breakdown). When this happens, BCAAs are used for energy as opposed to growth and repair. BCAA supplementation can improve nitrogen retention by sparing other amino acid groups, which ultimately keeps the body in an anabolic state.
  • Lean mass growth – BCAAs activate satellite cells that travel and attach to individual muscle fibers, helping the stressed or damaged muscle as a whole grow in size.
  • Increased muscle strength – Going hand in hand with benefit #3, increases in lean mass mean large muscle fiber sizes and greater cross-sectional areas, which equates to greater increases in muscle strength.
  • Improved glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity – While isoleucine improves glucose tolerance on its own, the whole trio of BCAAs can support improved insulin sensitivity and metabolic rate for improved body composition.
  • Endurance performance – During prolonged exercise, BCAAs are taken up by the skeletal muscle rather than the liver in order to contribute to energy production (oxidative metabolism). They also can help prevent muscle damage during long-duration endurance sports by protecting muscle tissue
  • Decreased post-exercise soreness – Also known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). BCAAs help repair the muscular structural damage caused by strenuous exercise that is thought to be responsible for DOMS.
  • Maintaining lean muscle mass during periods of calorie restriction – When calories are cut as a whole, this usually means a drop in protein consumption. Not enough protein and muscles may start to atrophy. Studies have shown BCAA supplementation during periods of calorie restriction can assist in maintaining lean muscle mass while also decreasing fat mass.
  • Blunting muscle fatigue – Valine competes with tryptophan for entry into the brain and prevails. This means less serotonin gets to the brain, ultimately leading to stronger muscular contractions, quicker recovery between sets, and prolonged muscular strength and endurance.

Why NutraBio BCAAs over the competition?

Key Difference #1 – We are all familiar with the expression “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” What does this have to do with BCAAs you say? The fact is most BCAAs found in supplements are derived from duck feathers and in some grotesque cases, human hair. If the thought of that makes your stomach turn, consider this: The BCAAs found in NutraBio BCAA 5000 are 100% vegetable based and manufactured through fermentation. What’s more, except for flavoring, they have no additives, fillers, or excipients.

Key Difference #2 – More BCAAs aren’t always better. What is important is the ratio of BCAAs found in a product. Look at 10 different labels and you will find 10 different ratios, from 3:2:1 to 10:1:1, all claiming that its BCAA breakdown offers the most potent ergogenic benefit. Because NutraBio relies on science instead of hype and cheap marketing tactics, BCAA 5000 utilizes the research-validated 2:1:1 ratio (leucine:isoleucine:valine), proven to effectively and efficiently promote muscle growth and recovery and reduce training-related soreness What’s more, research had shown that only 2–3 grams of leucine is needed to maximize muscle protein synthesis. The point—don’t pay more for the extra BCAAs you don’t need, especially when science shows consuming too much BCAAs can negatively affect blood lipid profiles.

Key Difference #3 – Do you know where your supplements are made? Do you trust that the raw ingredients found in them are really what they are supposed to be and have been scrutinized for contaminants before going into a final product? Unlike 99.9% of our competitors, NutraBio BCAA 5000 (and for that matter all our products) is manufactured in our own GMP-certified and FDA-inspected facility. This way, we can monitor every step of manufacturing from start to finish, ensuring the highest quality BCAA supplement is made without compromise. If that wasn’t enough, NutraBio uses FT-NIR spectroscopy to initially analyze every raw ingredient that comes into our manufacturing facility. Every ingredient we receive is immediately quarantined and put into a separate warehouse where it remains until our Quality Control lab analyzes it for identity, purity, composition, and potency. The first level of analysis tells us if the ingredient is what it’s supposed be. NutraBio’s ingredient qualification program is rigorous and absolutely no ingredient goes into our supplements unless it passes stringent testing to meet our demanding specifications.

NutraBio is a name you can trust when it comes to clean and effective supplements. Since 1996, we have been setting the quality standard in the world of sports nutrition. Although the industry makes it seems like non-proprietary blends, proper dosing, and scientifically backed ingredients are something new, the fact is NutraBio pioneered this trend over two decades ago. We have always been the innovators, not the imitators.

With BCAA 5000, you make no sacrifices—you get proven and powerful muscle building BCAAs without the junk. We pride ourselves on purity. What you see on the label is exactly what you get. BCAA 5000 contains no fillers, excipients, proprietary blends, or other potentially unhealthy or unneeded additives.

The Science Behind NutraBio BCAA 5000

The essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine collectively form what is referred to as the branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). These amino acids are essential because they cannot be produced in the body and must be provided though supplementation or diet. BCAAs comprise approximately 30% of the total muscle protein pool and are the primary amino acids oxidized in the muscle during exercise and catabolic stress. For these reasons, athletes supplement with BCAAs to support increased muscle mass, reduced muscle damage, blunting fatigue, and increased energy during exercise.

Studies exist on the ergogenic benefits of BCAAs. The majority of them show that BCAAs, whether consumed throughout the day or pre, during, or post-exercise, decrease protein catabolism (breakdown) and support muscle protein synthesis, a physiological process responsible for muscle growth and repair. Furthermore, BCAAs are vitally important to glucose (energy) production, contributing to more than 40% of glucose production during sustained endurance exercises.

A study done in 2009 found that subjects who supplemented with BCAAs while following an 8-week resistance training program had a greater decrease in body fat, an increase in lean mass, and greater strength gains on the bench press and squat compared to the non-BCAA group.

The BCAAs found in NutraBio BCAA 5000 are in the research-backed ratio of 2:1:1 (leucine: isoleucine:valine) and come from plant sources as opposed to animal sources, such as feathers or hair.

L-LEUCINE (2500 mg)

  • Leucine is one of the essential BCAAs. By itself, it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, the process responsible for muscle growth and recovery. This is why it is often referred to as the “main” amino acid.
  • Supplementation with at least 2 grams daily of leucine has been shown to decrease muscle soreness, lessen recovery time between workouts, and increase lean muscle mass.
  • Howatson et al. (2012) discovered that leucine (combined with isoleucine and valine) administered before muscle damaging resistance exercises reduced indices of muscle damage and accelerated recovery in resistance-trained males.

L-ISOLEUCINE (1250 mg)

  • Isoleucine, like leucine, is another BCAA that can stimulate muscle protein synthesis but to a lesser extent when not combined with the other BCAAs. However, isoleucine significantly increases glucose uptake and the use of glucose during exercise, leading to greater energy production.
  • Isoleucine may also play a role in the fat-burning abilities of BCAAs.
  • Nishimura et al. (2010) found that mice consuming a high-fat diet in conjunction with isoleucine gained less fat mass than mice not receiving isoleucine. This was due to isoleucine’s ability to stimulate receptors that inhibit fat storage and increase fat burning.

L-VALINE (1250 mg)

  • Valine, the third BCAA, supports muscular endurance and decreased fatigue during exercise.
  • When exercising, tryptophan is converted to serotonin and signals the brain that the body is fatigued—ultimately leading to a decrease in muscle strength and endurance.
  • Since valine competes with tryptophan for entry into the brain and prevails, less serotonin gets to the brain, which ultimately leads to stronger muscular contractions, quicker recovery between sets, and prolonged muscular strength and endurance.


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